Comments on: NASA’s Planetary Defense Telescope (NEOSM) is Too Important to Cut The National Space Society Wed, 15 Jun 2022 19:13:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Donald McCann Wed, 15 Jun 2022 19:13:20 +0000 Typical governmental thinking. If it isn’t attention grabbing or popular with the general public, cut it. Think of the military post WW 1 and the emergency buildup for WW 2. Politicians historically lack the ability to see past the end of their noses, or the next election, then cry when the foreseeable emergency arrises!

By: L Paul Turner Wed, 15 Jun 2022 01:11:31 +0000 I sent requests to keep Earth safe to both California Senators and my local Representative in Congress, Ami Bera. For the government, NASA is the big elephant in the room and in space. Let’s support funding. To the private sector, the champions of space and the future are hard at work, and we know who they are. They, too, need our support. Having said that, what if the government held a bidding session for building a rotating space station? Would that spur space dev? Seems like it. – L Paul Turner, Author of The Space Trade, and The Space Trade Update.
